Team Thomas at the 1st Khorfakkan meeting 2024 and TeamThomas at the GrandPrix in Dubai


Jugend trainiert für Olympia und Paralymics in Berlin


TeamLiga Rommelshausen, Zehnkampf in Winterbach

    Disabled athletics

next event

  • Jugend trainiert für Paralympcs - Berlin
    >>>>> Endstand <<<<<
    >>>>> Endstand Einzelergebnisse <<<<<

    Events 2024

  • West Asian Games Sharjah - January 28 - February 2

    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<
    full results day 1
    full results day 2
    records set
    medal standing

  • 12th WPA Meeting Sharjah - February 4 - 6

    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

    results day 1
    results day 2
    results day 3
    records set
    medal standing

  • Khorfakkan 1st WPA international meeting - February 08 & 09

    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

    results day 1
    results day 2
    records set
    medal standing

  • 15th Fazza Para-Athletics Championships - February 8 - 15
    World Para Athletics Grand Prix

    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

    results Day 1
    results Day 2
    results Day 3
    records set
    medal standing

  • Meeting Freital - June 22
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

  • NordOst Championships - June 29 - Cottbus
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

  • Czech Open / Olomuc - July 5th / 6th
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<
    full results Special Olympics

    Events 2023

  • German Nationals Indoor Erfurt - Febrary 4
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<
    >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<<

  • 11th WPA Meeting Sharjah - February 20 - 22
    >>>>> results day 1 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 2 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 3 <<<<<
    >>>>> records set <<<<<
    >>>>> medal standing <<<<<

  • 14th Fazza Para-Athletics Championships - February 23 - March 2
    World Para Athletics Grand Prix
    >>>>> Info system <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 1 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 2 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 3 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 4 <<<<<
    >>>>> records set <<<<<
    >>>>> medal standing <<<<<

  • NordOst Championships - May 06 - Cottbus
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

  • Junior Cup - May 21 - Bad Oeynhausen
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<

  • Meeting Freital - June 17
    >>>>> Infosystem <<<<<
    >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<<

  • German Nationals Singen - June 24 & 25
    >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<<
    >>>>> Infosystem Gehörlosensportverband <<<<<

  • World Dwarf Games Cologne - August 3
    results shuttles still not received

    Events 2022

  • IDM-Halle Para-Leichtathletik / Erfurt - 5. Februar
    International German Nationals Indoor/ Erfurt - February 5
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<
    >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<<

  • 10th WPA Meeting Sharjah - March 14 - 17
    >>>>> link to info-system <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 1 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 2 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 3 <<<<<
    >>>>> records broken <<<<<
    >>>>> medals <<<<<

  • 13th Fazza Para-Athletics Championships - March 17 - 25
    World Para Athletics Grand Prix
    >>>>> link to info-system <<<<<
    >>>>> full results day 1 <<<<< - >>>>> full results day 2 <<<<<
    >>>>> full results day 3 <<<<< - >>>>> full results day 4 <<<<<
    >>>>> final records <<<<< - >>>>> final medal table <<<<<

  • LM NRW / Bad Oeynhausen - 04. Juni
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<

  • IDM- Leichtathletik / Regensburg - 18.&19. Juni
    International German Nationals / Regensburg - June 18 & 19
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<

  • Meeting Freital / GER - 25. Juni
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<

  • ParaLeichtathletikHeimspiel - Leverkusen (invitational)
    01. Juli
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<

  • 76. Württ. Para Leichtathletik MS- Aalen
    02. Juli
    >>>>> Ergebnisliste <<<<<

  • BRSNW Jugend Cup Para Leichtathletik - Leverkusen
    02. Juli
    >>>>> Info-System <<<<<
    Ergebnisse Bambini / U12 / U14

  • VfB Meeting - Stuttgart
    >>>>> results <<<<<

  • NO- Meisterschaften - Cottbus
    >>>>> Ergebnisse <<<<<

  • IWAS World Games - Portugal
    >>>>> info system <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 1 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 2 <<<<<
    >>>>> results day 3 <<<<<
    >>>>> records after day 3 <<<<<
    >>>>> medal overview <<<<<

  • LA Rommelshausen / Rems-Murr / ...


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